Since it is winter and we typically use our heating system quit a bit, it is important that you know when it is time to have your heating system serviced. If you need repairs but neglect to receive them, it can ultimately result in more expensive servicing. Rather than spending your money on expensive repairs, why not get the repairs you need, when you need them. We can tell you exactly what to look for in order to determine when it is time to call American Way to repair your heating system.
- Bad Air Quality
If your furnace is dispensing air with an odor, dirt or dust, this is a problem. When you begin to notice that you are coughing a lot or have asthma attacks more than usual, this is a good indicator the problem may be in your furnace. Even if you have changed your filter and are still experiencing health concerns, it is time to call on the services of a professional heating service in New Jersey. They will have the proper equipment to easily address your repair needs.
- Cycling ON/OFF Constantly
It is not unusual for your furnace to turn on and off occasionally but if you are noticing that it is constantly cycling, this is another sign that it is time to have your heater serviced. The problem could be due to the wiring, fan, burners or a thermostat problem.
- No Heat
The easiest way to determine if you need repairs to your HVAC system is when there is no heat or very little heat being generated. If you are constantly making adjustments to the thermostat in order to achieve your desired temperature but you are still uncomfortable, call a service professional for needed repairs.