As winter approaches, one thing you should take care of is insulating your pipes and preparing them for the coming winter. As winter approaches in and the temperatures drop below freezing, the possibility of your pipes freezing becomes a real concern. Frozen pipes can cause serious problems, either bursting or catching on fire.
It is important to know the location of the main shut-off. But, the best way to prevent the pipes in your home from freezing is to be prepared.
You should check any areas where your pipes might be exposed to cold weather. Typical areas of concern are the exposed pipes in basements, garages, and crawl spaces. If these regions are not heated, they will generally be the first areas where pipes will freeze. Apart from the water damage, a burst pipe might cause, you might find yourself with limited or no water supply in your home until you get your pipes fixed. Even more potentially dangerous can be the fire caused by a frozen pipe. And that is not even getting into the cost of the repairs.
You need to insulate all the water and gas pipes that might freeze over. So before the winter comes and the cold weather sets in you should insulate all exposed pipes and prepare them for the winter. Seal and insulate any penetrations in your walls that might let cold air into your home. Also, cover any exposed faucets. If for any reason you cannot insulate your pipes make sure to turn your hot and cold water on and let the water slowly trickle out. This will keep the water from becoming stagnant in the pipes and freezing.
While you can do this yourself, getting experts to do the job ensures you have taken care of all possible vulnerabilities. All Year Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning, New Jersey can send an expert who will identify and insulate all the vulnerable pipes in your home.