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Frozen Pipes Season

frozen pipes

Tis the season for frozen pipes, fa la la! When cold weather hits it can mean severe damage to your pipes, including freezing and cracking. This can lead to water not flowing right for your showers, toilets, and sinks. If you’re not careful, frozen pipes can lead to flooding in the spring when they thaw out.  American Way Heating, Plumbing, & Cooling can help you prevent this from happening.

Get those Frozen Pipes Defrosted!

You probably think you can ignore plumbing maintenance until the spring, but winter can put a lot of wear and tear on your pipes. The truth is that your pipes need routine check-ups throughout the year. It may seem like a daunting task, but American Way can take care of any problem. You can try to prevent your pipes from freezing by unhooking outdoor hoses or running water to keep the water from settling. You can do all those things, but it’s better to call us. Our certified technicians can come to your home and check to make sure the pipes aren’t already frozen. You want a professional to inspect your pipes for cracks or bursting.

American Way will come to your home and assess all your pipes so that you’re not surprised during the winter season. You don’t want to be that person who wakes up to take a shower before work and finds the water won’t flow. It’s better to have your pipes checked no matter if it’s for heating or plumbing.

If there is an emergency, and you think you have frozen pipes, please don’t hesitate to call us. We provide service to all of North New Jersey. Call us today if you live in Bergen, Passaic, Essex, Union, Morris, or Hudson county! Our licensed technicians are available 24/7 every day, all year round. We can fix, repair, or install whatever you need to make sure your home is running at it’s best!

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